the hiatus guy
pfp by @ChiliChapters

Beatum @Beatumpop

Age 21, male!


minecraft school

smosh headquarters

Joined on 4/22/18

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Hey everyone! BEATUM HERE!!!!! Been a while, i thought it'd be neat to let anyone interested know where i've been and what i've been up to through this impromptu thread i felt like writing on my twitter. there's some images and stuff added here and there as well mostly to keep things coherent and also show a bit of what i'm talking about, which i didn't do in the og posts. with that said, i wont go much deeper on any of these ideas or characters, at least not for now! enjoy!

(Lifted straight from my thread on twitter, stitched together for your reading comfort <3)

i'll be posting doodles again soonish, and more-- apologies for absense as alwayss, weird times, i'm working a lot on my own projects (made huge progress all throught this year alone on Caira One) and i find the stuff i'm doing is not that worth sharing as of now... stuff like very rough concepts, character designs, nothing final and pretty to like, show to people outside of friends and stuff like that yknow? but i'm thinkin' maybe it'd be cool to share with you guys as well, why not! so YEAH!





i've been having fun! i'm also somewhat scared to ruin this like, ball i've managed to keep rolling if that makes sense. so we'll see how much i do share and all that. there's a bit of a fear of expectation that'll probably come from it, so it's something i'm still figuring out! Caira for those who know is a character that has become especially dear to me as i've been working and reworking her story behind the scenes since early 2021, i wanna really get this right!


i've also been writing a lot! that's been awesome, i've never been very good at writing but i feel this year i've really started to lean into that and finally everything is sort of falling into place, i find i struggle with something and i can overcome it, which wasn't the case years ago.


uhh but yeah!! the year's ending soon and i guess i got a lotta things to say, i've taken a huge step back from posting and i've sorta adapted to that (i've had to switch to this style due to being genuinely too busy and burnt out to finish illustrations!) and it's been actually working out in my favor in a way, because i'm chipping away at the story of Caira in a meaningful way now instead of just throwing ideas and getting frustrated nothing stuck. i feel i have something to say now.

anyway i'm sorta rambling now haha, basically goin thru things still, not any less busy than i was last year but now managing way better. i got lots of nice and cool friends that make me laugh and smile. life's not too bad! i wont stop creating things ever! so with all this said thanks for all the bits of love thru the years y'know, it means a ton for a small time fella like me.,.. i hope to share more of what i love doing and i hope all of you sticking by can connect with it in some way. that's what it's all about.

these crazy times have made me change a lot. i don't think anything was lost, but it's like yknow, you grow, evolve, you're different in the way that sorta shapes who you're gonna be in the following years. i definitely wanna do a lot more for the people around me, as well as the people i'll probably never get to meet face to face in my life. i think this is what i want to do with my life, be it through art or other ways, i wanna help people and make them realize the time they have is in fact worthwhile. i'm getting emotional now but y'know, it's hard out there. it's easy to lose hope, easy to feel powerless, easy to be complacent. sometimes you're so tired you just wanna crawl in a hole until it all gets better. idk if it does, you will always go through painful things, and that's okay. don't close yourself off from the world. welcome those experiences with open arms and that way you'll always bounce back.

...anyway!!! if i keep going i wont stop and i gotta eat soon hahaha-- closing thoughts, be safe, take care of the people you love, don't fall into numbness, or apathy, for that matter. we're all whole human beings, with our own things going on, and in my humble opinion...

every one of us matters. see you around!!!!
